All Or Nothing On Red

All Or Nothing On Red  The bar is not usually a good place to come up with good ideas but this wasn’t the case for Ashley Revell. The late-night session would change Ashley’s life forever. At the time, he was a 32-year-old TV researcher. Among a group of friends, they talked about gambling and wondered what it would be like to bet everything you had, your life savings, on Las Vegas roulette. You either get it all or nothing. Despite his poor parents’ concerns, Revell became more and more determined to pursue this idea.

To raise as much money as possible, he sold everything he had, including his Rolex, golf clubs, BMW and even his clothes. He felt that the time was right to do something crazy since he was young and had few responsibilities. By the time he finished selling everything, he had £76,840, which is around 136,000 dollars.

It was the Plaza Hotel and Casino that was selected for the big spin. In the rules, it was clearly stated that the ball would be released once the wheel began spinning. Unless Ashley placed the bet before the ball circled the wheel twice, the bet would be called off and the process would restart. His understanding was clear.

A casino boss came over and shook his hand, Ashley then kissed the roulette ball in good luck, and he asked the crowd what colour to choose. Still, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do though.

Even though he was indecisive, once the ball was released, he had made up his mind. After a quick thought, he said “Red” and moved all of his chips onto the board – everything he owned.

The winning number was red 7, and Ashley suddenly found himself £76,840 richer. Despite no longer owning any clothes, he took home a whopping £153,680.